Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Box Rescue

Hi all,
 It seems a mighty long time since I made a post, but now that I'm officially retired I'm trying to change my lifestyle. For the last 60 odd years I've been dashing about like a blue arsed fly trying to make a few pounds and make people happy. Well, other people's happiness will always be high on my agenda but my blue arsed days are over, it's time to grab a hold of mellowness and dance off with it into the sunset.

Anyway, in my last post I showed you a picture of the oyster box that I was making. It looked great but the hinges didn't work how I expected them to. Okay at the front when open, but

this is what it looked like when viewed from the back when shut. Not good.
It just goes to show that anybody can make a mistake and I don't mind sharing mine. It taught me a lesson, which was to be more careful with my designs and make sure I've thought them through properly. It was a shame to see all that work go to waste so here is what I did.

I removed the hinges, glued the lid on and did a pyrography design on it. Then I gave it three coats of lacquer to make it feel really gloss and it became an ornament for the sideboard.

It has now been re christened by my wife who said it looked like a peanut and I guess she is right. It looks very tactile and one can't help picking it up and giving it a fondle when one goes past.  Sad I know, but getting old isn't much fun, so you have to grab any pleasure you can no matter how well it tries sneaks by unnoticed.

In my next post I will show you the plaque that I'm working on. It was a commission from my wife and it is coming out well.

Just one last thing. My book, "Bossyboots" which is one of my favourites, is free today on Amazon.

 If you would like a free download, just click on the books tab at the top of the page and click on the cover. It is very funny and down to earth type of read.

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